Accounting by Servicios Binacionales

Let's work together

Choosing to delegate these responsibilities means saving not only time, but also resources, since your company will not have to hire specialized personnel for each area.


We know that matters related to accounting, payroll and legal aspects are delicate and must be carried out by experts.

We will take care of everything, laws and regulations in force, timely and accurate compliance with any requirement.

Our Accounting Services

File Management

Accounting and Financial Reports

Fiscal and Taxes

Administrative Management

Business Planning

Payroll Processing

Legal Processes

Retention, Determination of Employer Social Security Rate per Employee to IMSS and Infonavit

Wages, Salaries and Benefits

Electronic Stamping of Receipts

File Management

  • Tax calculations and payments
  • Tax matters and taxes
  • Tax strategy
  • Fiscal obligations
  • Tax audits
  • Monthly, quarterly and annual closings
  • Financial statements
  • Accounting records
  • Computer files
  • Legal and governmental permits and authorizations
  • Billing controls
  • Payroll (earnings and withholdings)
  • VAT reconciliations (VAT Withheld-ISR Fees-ISR Lease)
  • Account control:
    • Suppliers
    • Customers
    • Officers and employees
    • Banks
    • Taxes to pay
    • Liabilities Employer Worker Fees

Accounting and Financial Reports

  • Generation and preparation of accounting
  • Accounting update
  • Preparation of monthly Financial Statements
  • Debugging of ledger accounts for electronic accounting purposes
  • Financial and Administrative Organization of your company
  • Preparation of Bank and Income Reconciliations
  • Accounting Supervision
  • Permanent accounting advice
  • IDSE (registrations, cancellations and modifications to salaries
  • Annual work risk statement

Fiscal and Taxes

  • Update of own and withheld taxes (ISR and VAT)
  • Preparation of Presentation of Declarations (monthly and annual)
  • Electronic accounting revision and correction)
  • Notices and Procedures before the SAT
  • Tax Advice and Tax Risk Prevention
  • Refund of contributions (VAT, ISR)
  • Attention requirements and fines
  • Procedures and Calculations IMSS, SAR and INFONAVIT
  • IDSE (registrations, cancellations and modifications to salaries
  • Annual work risk statement

Administrative Management

  • Support in technological systems to record company operations.
  • Debts to pay.
  • Billing and collection.
  • Management of the treasury area.
  • Issuance of reports.

Business Planning

  • Support in High and Low Risk negotiations
  • Consulting for resource optimization
  • Advice and support for the start of operations
  • Procedures in general (State, Ministry of Economy among others)
  • Market studies
  • Support for SME financing management
  • Business advice for expansion purposes

Payroll Processing

  • Payroll calculation and processing.
  • Reception, capture and processing of incidents.
  • Periodic and annual tax obligations.
  • Issuance, review, printing and delivery of Digital Tax Receipts by Internet (CFDI).
  • Report delivery.

Legal Processes

  • Work terminations (Resignation, settlement, liquidation, seniority premium)
  • Salary determinations and modifications
  • UMA modifications
  • Absences and disabilities (Disabilities; temporary, permanent partial, permanent total)
    • Integration with legal benefits.
    • Integration of variables to the contribution base salary
  • Food and room
  • Extra hours
  • Attendance and punctuality awards
  • Saving Fund
  • Special treatment of benefits

Retention, Determination of Employer Social Security Rate per Employee to IMSS and Infonavit

  • Sickness and Maternity
  • Disability and Life
  • Nurseries and social benefits
  • Retirement, Unemployment in Old Age and Old Age
  • Work Risks
  • Comprehensive practice

Wages, Salaries and Benefits

  • Income from Salaries and in General for the Provision of a Subordinate Personal Service.
  • Assimilated to Salaries
  • Obligations of the Salaries and Salaries regime
  • Employers’ obligations
  • Determination of ISR.
  • Tables and Rates for the Calculation of ISR new items and the increase in income levels and rates;
  • Determination of the EMPLOYMENT SUBSIDY analysis and requirements for its accreditation
  • Social Security
  • Determination of the exempt and taxed part of income.
  • Salary Obligations

Electronic Stamping of Receipts

  • Payment of payroll
  • Creation of the next period
  • Salary increase
  • Settlement and Settlement, Seniority Premium.
  • SUA (Sistema Único de Autodeterminación or Unique Self-Determination System)